Two months in

Like countless others on the internet, I’ve been “meaning to write more” for a long time. Under the assumption that Wordpress puts too much process into the task of blogging, I’ve designed a new personal website using a simpler tool. Hopefully the ability to write essays using the same workflow that I use to write code will grease the wheels of expression.

My old Wordpress site is now accessible at The new site is hosted on GitHub and its source is available here.

Last friday was the two month mark of my employment at Twitter, Inc. I don’t think that I could be happier with my current situation. Twitter is proving to be exactly the workplace that I was hoping for: a friendly and open atmosphere with brilliant coworkers more than willing to help me learn everything that I can as quickly as possible. Coming out of college, it’s exactly the kind of environment that I want to be in to further my technical education.

As for the contents of this blog, I intend to write about what I learn. At the moment, this would include things about Scala, functional programming, and distributed systems, but my interests are bound to ebb and flow as I work on different projects and interact with different people.

To keep up to date with me, you can subscribe to this blog or follow me on Twitter for more granular updates.