What is this website?
This website is a blog. I mostly write about systems, computer programming, energy technology and policy, and software engineering management.
You can follow my writing by subscribing to this blog's Atom feed or by following me on Twitter.
Who am I?
- 🇮🇪My inscrutably Irish last name is pronounced “mar”
- 🌲I live in San Rafael, CA with my wife, kids, and dog.
- 💻I work at Samsara on time series ingestion and storage systems. In the past, I've worked at X, Whisker Labs, and Twitter.
- 🤔I have expertise in distributed systems software, startup company strategy & management, decarbonization, IoT devices, and RPC systems.
- 🏞I volunteer with the Citizens' Climate Lobby and the Oakland Park Patrol
- 🎓I studied computer science at the University of Washington in Seattle
- 🌧I grew up in Olympia, Washington