Introducing Armsible

Update: Since the publication of this article, Armsible projects have since been folded into Whisker Labs’ GitHub organization.

ARM + Ansible

Much ink has been spilled over the “Internet of Things”. A consequence of this trend is the rise of the single-board computer as a mainstream form factor for application development. With the popularity of open source1 platforms like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBoard, it’s never been easier to build applications that encompass both hardware and software.

However, there is less publicly-available material on how to incorporate single-board computers into larger-scale deployments. A typical use case involves someone using an ARM computer to monitor or actuate devices in their home. The deployment workflow is more often than not akin to a Linux server administered manually through SSH sessions over the lifetime of the device. In contrast to the level of automation fetishized in the software operations community, the state of the art in the open source IoT space is remarkably unsophisticated.

In spirit, Armsible represents a call-to-action for the use of industry-standard provisioning tools and techniques in embedded applications2. Specifically, it is a collection of Ansible roles and related tools that facilitate the automated deployment of single-board computers.

How do I use Armsible?

As of its unveiling, Armsible boils down to a few Ansible roles and a dynamic inventory script for targeting hosts on a local network. The initial use case is to provision a set of single-board computers on a LAN.

Armsible’s focused, albeit limited scope is a consequence of its intended use in concert with other roles from the Ansible community. A typical playbook for an embedded project will not be composed entirely of Armsible roles. Configuration management for standard components like DNS is a solved problem. Armsible fills the gaps between the needs of embedded applications and the existing suite of roles from the wider community.

To that end, we’d like Armsible to be the home for the following:

  • Roles for provisioning specific hardware platforms (e.g. Raspberry Pi, BeagleCore, Intel Edison)
  • Roles for installing and configuring software components that are needed by embedded developers but not currently covered by the open source Ansible community (e.g. the kernel watchdog, U-Boot, GPIO configuration)
  • Tooling that enforces best practices for embedded development

Why Ansible?

Ansible struck us as the right tool for the job because it is built around vanilla SSH connections. For embedded devices that run no-frills distributions of Linux, Ansible is much more applicable out of the box than other tools that rely on less-ubiquitous transport protocols and more-complicated topologies.

How is Armsible organized?

Armsible is structurally inspired by DebOps, a collection of Ansible playbooks for Debian-based server deployments. It comprises a number of Ansible roles stored as distinct repositories within an Armsible GitHub organization Whisker Labs’ GitHub organization. These roles are published to Ansible Galaxy and thus installable on the command-line with ansible-galaxy. A bin project is provided to house complementary tools (i.e. dynamic inventory scripts) to be used in conjunction with Armsible roles.

What plans exist for Armsible’s future?

The project spawned from the hardware provisioning needs of products developed at Whisker Labs. As such, the project’s initial offerings are a sample of what we’ve developed so far and are thus limited to the technologies we use.

Part of the intention behind open-sourcing this work is to foster a community around IoT hardware provisioning. We encourage anyone working in this space to take a look at Armsible and help make it more useful. The best ways to get involved are by filing GitHub issues on individual projects or joining the conversation in #armsible on

  1. The technologies in question are "open source" to varying degrees, but vendors' overall inclination towards open source is helping push the hardware world in the right direction. For instance, the Arduino and BeagleBoard/BeagleBone device families benefit greatly from the tooling, documentation, and manufacturing ecosystem afforded by open hardware design.
  2. "Embedded" should really be in air quotes here, given that we're talking about machines that run Linux. At the risk of graybeards not taking me seriously, I'm going to roll with it.